Glasgow Association of Spiritualists 6/7 Somerset Place, Glasgow, G3 7JT Telephone: 0141 332 4626
The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists is a charity (SC005881) affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union (
Services take place on a Sunday morning, followed by healing and private sittings.
For church enquiries (programme and private sittings), please contact Mary Waterston at:
What is Spiritualism?
Spiritualism is an officially recognised religion with its own churches and ministers, who possess the same rights and privileges as other religions. It has no fixed creed or dogma, but embodies the main ideas of all religions - in particular, that there is life after death. The difference between Spiritualism and other religions is the ability, through Mediumship, to offer evidence, which for some people is enough proof to them that their loved-one has survived physical death.
The philosophy of Spiritualism is based on seven fundamental principles:
1. The Fatherhood of God. 2. The Brotherhood of Man. 3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels. 4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul. 5. Personal Responsibility. 6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth. 7. Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul.
What is Spiritual Healing?
Healing is practised at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists by fully-qualified and licensed SNU healers. Although they cannot guarantee a complete cure, they can alleviate suffering and ease a passing. Healing takes place at the church on a Sunday afternoon. No need to book in advance. The healers will add your name to their list on the day.
There is no charge, but donations are gratefully accepted.
Contact Healing This is where the healing medium seeks permission to place their hands on to the patient during healing. Distant Healing This is healing sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present, but not receiving contact healing. Absent Healing The patient is not physically present, and healing thoughts are extended to them. An absent healing list is kept by Caroline Allana Scott (former President of the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists: 2020-2024). Should anyone wish to be added to it, please contact Caroline at:
Book Shop
Three books are now available to buy from the church shop or on Amazon (
1. Stories of the Pioneers (Mediums, Healers and Psychical Researchers) by The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists.
2. God to Malaria: Communications from the Spirit World by The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists.
3. The World of Spirit by P'shanta: Through the Trance Mediumship of Mrs Edith Thomson by The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists
Paperback: £8 Kindle: £2.99
| The books are by Caroline Allana Scott (President 2020-2024). Copies are available at the church, and proceeds from these will go back to the church. The books are also available from Amazon. Proceeds from these sales will go to the Marie Curie Charity.
For further information on books, please contact Caroline at: ![]() ![]() ![]() Book Reviews 1. Stories of the Pioneers (Mediums, Healers and Psychical Researchers): 'There have been a lot of books written, which document the bravery of the pioneers, who fought for the freedom to follow their truth. This book is much more than that. It is a journey through the ages of mediumship and psychic practices that exist all over the world, showing the common link that has always existed. It covers the bravery of our pioneers, who wanted the truth of life eternal told, and the researchers, who started out wanting to disprove and discredit the truth, but ultimately became our biggest supporters. The truth should always be told, and you should always be prepared to listen.' Minister Jackie Wright, President of the Spiritualists' National Union
2. God to Malaria: Communications from the Spirit World 'This is a fascinating book that gives a deeply personal account of grief, loss and the journey of discovery of the life beyond this one. It shows the intelligence of Spirit and how they give evidence of life eternal. It never fails to inspire and humble me the lengths our loved ones will go to, to bring each of us the hope we need. This books shows the true reason for mediumship and Spiritualism - and the power of Spirit to heal and illuminate each of us, so that we may help others.' Minister Jackie Wright, President of the Spiritualists' National Union
3. The World of Spirit by P'shanta: Through the Trance Mediumship of Mrs Edith Thomson 'What a pleasure to read this book. In an era of "celebrity mediumship" it is so refreshing to read about the dedication of a medium whose only motive was to serve. This is a book that humbles the soul. It takes the reader through the process of a home circle and the dedication of the sitters as they allow the Spirit World to blend for the trance state. It is a testament to the power of the home circle, where our true mediums built their relationship with that unseen world, learning together to build an atmosphere of love and trust. This book is a must for all those who want to learn the discipline of good mediumship and that beautiful relationship with those who walk with us. Minister Jackie Wright, President of the Spiritualists' National Union
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